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Mobile Wireless Anti-explosion Jammer

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Mobile Wireless Anti-explosion Jammer

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Posted on 8th Jan 2016 @ 9:48 AM

The wireless anti-explosion jammer is mobile but not low power ,instead of 80W high power.So,it comes with a strong jamming ability -- maximum covering range is 180 meters ( signal strength <=-75dbm at the application place.)It can go with vehicle for preventing from remote control bombs.As the device is 28KGweight,not convenient to be carried,so we designed a mobile luggage as its protective outer case -- waterproof ,anti-shock and easily taken.

 High Power Wireless Anti-explosion Jammer

The mobile wireless anti-explosion jammer is not only for military,any units and individual can keep away from remote control bombs by using the device.Terrorists usually hid bombs in some covert and narrow areas -- when target vehicle goes close to bombs they press the remote control to light...They like this way because others must be stopped when the first was suffered bombing -- that is so convenient for them to attack troops.Besides,oil tank trucks and ammo trucks are their favorite targets.You know ,that is a deathblow.But the problem can be solved by the wireless anti-explosion jammer.It jams the remote control signals of bomb :CDMA/TDMA+Nextel (851-894 MHz),IDEN,AMPS (869-894MHz),GSM850,GSM (925-960 MHz),High GSM/DCS (1805-1880 MHz),PCS/GSM1900 [+PHS] (1930-1990 MHz),UMTS (3G) (2110-2170 MHz)Optional Computer communication standards 2.4Ghz,WLAN Bluetooth Wi-Fi,Satellite communication systems,Thuraya Iridium Elipso Inmarsat GlobalStar,Aces Odyssey GPS,CDMA450 Cellphone System(430-450/460-470 MHz).

Wireless management chip is controlled by computer,and the cooling system is smart with integrated incoming air filter -- to provide a normal environment to the chip and the whole device.If your vehicle needs a protector and keep far from remote control bombs,the mobile wireless anti-explosion jammer is a good choice.